Meal Planner Website

In the last few years, I learned to appreciate the art of cooking. I grew to feel more comfortable preparing large-batch meals from subscription services and online recipes. I got to a point where I could fully “meal prep” on Sundays, which was cooking multiple recipes back-to-back to produce a dozen meals packed and ready to eat. I loved the efficiency and it saved me time throughout the week.

Meal planning involves searching for recipes, creating a shopping list from those recipes, and then cooking early in the week. When I did this process manually, I had to use several apps to compile all the information. So I decided to build this meal planning website to condense the process into one place. It includes a recipe search from the Spoonacular API, recipe details, and the ability to save recipes. And then when you add recipes to your meal plan, it will automatically compile your shopping list, calculate the total servings, and tell you how many hours of cooking are involved. This website simplifies the process of compiling and calculating everything yourself. And it reduces the amount of platforms needed just to plan what you are going to eat.

This was an opportunity for me to passionately build a responsive website using HTML, CSS, vanilla JavaScript, and a recipe API. I learned how to efficiently fetch API data, use local storage, and build many functions around each other.

Visit the Plan, Cook, Repeat website here.


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